Thursday 25 April 2024

A Few Additional Scraps...

I managed to complete a few additional journal entries yesterday. All of my most recent layouts that I have shared this week were semi - completed in December 2023, minus the journaling piece. Yeah... I know, I am super slow when it comes to scrapbooking these days.
I just have one more layout to complete from December 2023... and then I hope to complete one or two layouts each week in my craft room. Ha... we'll see. This weekend, I will be attending an all day crop. It's not too far from home, and I am looking forward to adding to my layout totals; in addition to having a nice day out, with the potential of meeting new crafting friends.

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Early Morning Scraps

During the work week, I wake up at 5 AM. Urrrghh. I know right?

After printing (and messing up) and reprinting my latest journalling piece, I was finally able to attach to to my latest completed layout.
Initially, the journalling was too large, then there was a mistake with the date, then I noticed a spelling error etc... if anything could go wrong, it went wrong with the journalling piece last night, that's for sure! However, I am happy that I finally managed to get it right and enter another layout into my latest scrapbook album which is slowly filling up.

I semi - completed this layout at my first in-person crop in eight years. Yes... it was a good long while since I cropped in-person... and if you know me, you know that I LOVE attending crops. After the birth of my second child, it was difficult to leave the house for the first couple of years. But now that he is older, I decided it is time to get back to my scrapbooking passion. Sure, every now and and then I feel a bit sad when I think about how many years I neglected my hobby - but at the same time, I am glad to be back and doing what I love!

I have signed up for a few upcoming in-person, as well as virtual crops and am looking forward to getting a whole lot done!

Tuesday 23 April 2024

So... It's Been Awhile!

Well, look who is back after an eleven year hiatus!

Yeah, I know... blogs might be a thing of the past, with the instant likes and quick scrolling of other social media platforms; but I guess I am a lil' old fashioned like that and decided to revive my blog, as I slowly revive my scrapbooking hobby.

A lot has happened in eleven years - and I would hope, that a lot has happened in eleven years, LOL. Some good, some bad... and a few things have remained a lil' bit the same. I hope to use this blog as a way to keep me motivated and on track with regards to my scrapbooking hobby and goals. Currently, I hope to complete four layouts a month. We will see how that goes! But after an eight year abscence from attending crops, I am once again hitting the road with my cropping tote and various supplies. I am looking forward to getting a lot done, and having fun with friends in the process.

I must admit, I am also looking forward to adding to my scrapbooking stash... then again, I don't really need anything (my craft room is busting out at the seams, LOL). But hey... once an enabler, always an enabler :)
This here is one of my latest layouts. Hard to believe but that sweet little guy is now my soon to be fifteen year old son. Sigh. As the saying goes, "The days are long, but the years are short."

Sunday 25 August 2013

Book of Memories

This afternoon I looked through a few of my more recent albums. I have been scrapbooking for almost ten years (!) and my style has definitely changed and developed over the years :) I decided to photograph and upload some of my favourite layouts. I will share a few on my blog each day this week.

Let's start with an oldie, but a goodie... newly pregnant at Christmas time (many years ago). Hence the title, "Glowing". Ran out of the letter "g", so it was substituted with the number 6. Sssshh. Don't tell... but it is something I often have to do every now and then. Got a love hate relationship with Thickers / alpha stickers for that reason :)

Photographs taken at an indoor garden center, in the middle of winter. I was soooo cold and tired, and so glad to be once more indoors. Brrrr!! Please note, this was one of the first titles I created with help from the Silhouette.

More photographs at the indoor garden center. Please excuse my funny hat. If you were super cold, I'm sure you would have worn something similar :)

Looking back at these pages is bittersweet. Time passes so quickly... too quickly. Looking at these photographs reminded me to enjoy and saviour life, every moment. Make every day count. And for the love of pete, start scrapbook more often, LOL.

Friday 23 August 2013

Crazy for AC

Yup... crazy is definitely one word that comes to mind when describing my latest scrapbooking haul. OMG. I could scrap from this selection for the next several years, LOL. I'm not sure what got into me. Okay, I'll admit it... perhaps my 29th birthday, celebrated now for the past seven years?? Well, that's the story I'm going with... this time around :P Yeah, right.

I purchased all of these goodies online, courtesy of Archivers, a US based scrapbooking store chain. And the free shipping offer at the time represented no limits, obviously, LOL. One cannot find these items around here (all from the Dear Lizzy and Amy Tangerine American Crafts scrapbooking lines), so I went to town :) When the package arrived in the mail, I was literally shaking with excitement, and very eager to go through and look over all of my new goodies. Let me share and possibly enable. You know you want to :) Okay, here we go...

Isn't this stuff great? 12x12 5th and Frolic collection package, a selection of four 6x6 paper pads, and a total of 22 different (not all were photographed separately, ekk!) embellishments, buttons, flairs, word stickers.... I almost feel guilty. Almost, but not quite :P And it's not as if I needed anything else for my scrap stash. Believe me, I'm set for life... and several lives in the thereafter :P I truly will have a difficult time opening the packaging and using these items. I might have to hoard, errhh, save these items for awhile. Believe it or not, I'm still awaiting a *few* more packages in the mail. Yikes! My mail man is gonna love me! Ha! I don't usually buy a whole lot of my items online, for real, LOL. But sometimes a girl's got to do what a girl's gotta do. And well, I *had* to shop :)